The Gathering: working towards a world in resonance with all Gaia's boarders

The Gathering from 20 to 27 July 2024

For the fifth time, we invite you to attend the Gathering, for an exchange with nature beings in a multidimensional world. Our special guest is Slovenian Marko Pogacnik, Unesco artist for peace. He has written many leading books on nature beings and collaborating with the intelligence of Gaia. The Gathering takes place in the safe and clean habitat at Forge Neuve, part of the Gaia Collective ECOlonie where several power places with a raised energy field are present. There we experience that there are forces at play on more than just the human plane, with which we can work together to create changes in our existence

There is nothing in the world that does not speak.

Every thing, every being constantly calls forth its nature, its character, its mystery.

The more the inner sense is open, the more it is able to hear the voice of everything.

Hazrat Inayat Khan

Wake-up call

Just before the global confrontation with Corona, we at ECOlonie received a powerful call from the Nature Beings. They were to hold a Great Gathering with us in the summer of 2020, concerned as they were about the future of Gaia, also their home. They were attracted by our urgent exhortation in the Newsletter that winter to keep uniting with like-minded people, to stay on course and go for the necessary changes. From the invisible realities, they let us know that it was important that we continue to heed their message. It is up to us human beings to shape that dialogue in our daily lives.

Opening ourselves up to resonance

Since then, we have organised a Gathering every year. Where we connect with this multi-layered reality from inner silence. In an attunement through meditation and sound, movement and for instance drawing et cetera, we search for a way to fathom that stratification of existence. In our sincere attempts to live in coexistence with those parallel worlds.

Besides all kinds of nature beings, elementals, elves, gnomes and other spirit beings, light beings, angels, muses, ancient sagas also present themselves. Just as many angles from that multidimensional reality looking for a connection with us modern humans. Gaia, the shell of life around our planet Earth, is constantly subject to all kinds of cosmic influences, which affect our daily lives. Together, we are looking for ways to make conscious changes, also in our daily actions. Your contribution also matters!

The dualistic path of our Western philosophy has led to an identity crisis, spiritual schizophrenia and a sense of being caught between fundamental opposites.

(Satish Kumar, founder and director of the Schumacher College on the Trinity Soil Soul Society).


We are about finding forms of cooperation with 'nature' and its spirit world. We seek connection with other earthlings, including nature beings. The latter are very distinct forms of consciousness connected to earth, water, air and fire that are essential parts of our sphere of life. And conversely we of theirs....

Our daily life thus becomes a path of initiation, where we as humans are co-creators. Each in his or her own way. From the understanding that everything is connected to everything, we thus work on a subtle bond. This invites us to a deep engagement with our fellow earthlings from the visible and invisible worlds.

The Gatherings at Forge Neuve are a kind of focal points in space and time, like roundabouts where input and output intersect. Which may lead to new or improved insights regarding choices in our daily lives. During a Gathering, we gain ongoing shared experiences, which are also practically applicable.

Programme structure

We start early each morning at Forge Neuve, where we also have breakfast afterwards. There will be many moments of experience, lectures and talks throughout the day. And we will also make a practical contribution to the work of the Gaia Collective. During the week, the programme unfolds.

We are doing this Gathering together with you and the unseen world. Besides Marko Pogacnik, the first-time bearers will be present again. Jan-Hendrik Veenkamp, Lieke Deelstra and Ruud Pleune, Johan Hoeijmakers, Gerwine Wuring, Harmen de Haas and Ewout Storm van Leeuwen. All adept at finding forms for tuning into and communicating with the rich energetic world around us.

As Pogacnik so beautifully puts it, it is up to us to 'dance with the changes' Gaia is currently going through. So more information in preparation for the Gathering will also reveal itself in the near future. Upon signing up, you will get to know more about this from our side in May/June.

Details and booking

From 20 to 27 july 2024

€295.00 including breakfast at Forge Neuve. Excluding accommodation and other meals.

Booking of this activity has closed

For the fifth time, we invite you to attend the Gathering, for an exchange with nature beings in a multidimensional world. Our special guest is Slovenian Marko Pogacnik, Unesco artist for peace. He has written many leading books on nature beings and collaborating with the intelligence of Gaia. The Gathering takes place in the safe and clean habitat at Forge Neuve, part of the Gaia Collective ECOlonie where several power places with a raised energy field are present. There we experience that there are forces at play on more than just the human plane, with which we can work together to create changes in our existence.
