For the fourth time, we invite you to attend the Gathering. Three years ago, there was a call to the organisation of Ecolonie, for the first Great Gathering. The nature beings invite us to an exchange in an environment that is safe and clean for them at Forge Neuve. Each year, through this, we experience forces at play on more than just the human plane.

A research week where our focus is our connection with the invisible world and our common concern for Gaia.

The whisperer and waiting

There is someone (you?)
calling her (or is she calling us?),
because we were once one;
the calling
- the conscious history -
on the one hand,
and on the other,
'Undine' who lives in another dimension.

She is the whisperer of waiting, the pointer of insight.
By opening up to her, bringer of insights,
there is the risk of collapsing certainties,
but also the chance of inhaling new values.

Following the legend of Undine,
living in the sunken world.

During this week, we want to 'listen and serve' Gaia in the Green Cathedral. In doing so, everyone brings and contributes his/her own 'antenna' and motives.

Thus, we experience that the essence of the world around us expresses itself here energetically with ease. This moving part that spirit gives us, the essential dance of everything, the 'living spirit'. This contact with our natural awareness and consciousness expresses itself in all kinds of forms of angels, nature and elemental beings et cetera et cetera. We want to deal with and make contact with this consciously and respectfully. And that requires us to use 'feeling with reason' and respect this presence.

In doing so, we like to keep 'the middle open' so that we can live and organise our multiplicity.

Born with lungs, expecting clean air.

Living in awareness of essences contributes to a life of meaning and connection. Oneness of life is living in awareness of that greater presence as well as connectedness with all our cells and organs. For instance, we are born in the expectation of clean air.

And in that, something is currently going terribly wrong. For instance, one million of the eight million plant and animal species, such as insects, butterflies, snails, shellfish, fish, native trees, are threatened with extinction.

Creative thinking in the light of the future.

Essential in our care for all that lives is a greater sense of responsibility for our thoughts and actions. Not just what but how we think, its persuasiveness determines how we view ourselves, the circumstances and the world around us and thus Gaia. It is important to consciously choose what you want to experience and feel, what you emit and do.

The dualistic path of our Western philosophy has led to an identity crisis, spiritual schizophrenia and a sense of being caught between fundamental opposites.

(Satish Kumar, founder and director of the Schumacher College on the Trinity Soil Soul Society).

This requires us to have an upward consciousness, to know who we are essentially as fellow earthlings and to live by the values that go with that. Jan Rotmans, professor of Transition Studies, in his most recent book 'Omarm de Chaos', (‘Embracing chaos’)calls this the tipping point, a change of era, chaotic, turbulent and uncertain.

During the Gathering, we want to focus in an integrated approach on

  • The cathedral, inviting us to tune into other energies and explore your own 'channel'/frequency within it.
  • Listening to what wants to be told, through your own inspirations, images, language, sound, movement and ceremony, woven from resonances and floating Substance.
  • The power of the mindset and of acting in response in times of chaos & transition

We start early each morning with silence, meditation and sound from the white barn, where we also have breakfast together. We further use the mornings for our research and exchange of experiences and vision. Sometimes there is another small gathering in the afternoon or evening. Once in a while we also roll up our sleeves to experience in practice what it is like to be part of our Gaia Collective.


Collaboration has been offered by Jan-Hendrik Veenkamp (voice liberator and sound artist), Petro van de Pas (artist, creator and performer), Lieke Deelstra (biographical coach, theatre maker and story teller) and Ruud Pleune (ecotherapist and energetic observer), Johan Hoeijmakers (chairman Ecolonie, communicates with nature beings), Gerwine Wuring (ecologist, druida and council lady by nature) and Harmen de Haas (fireman, contemporary shaman and groundskeeper at Forge Neuve), and Ewout Storm van Leeuwen (author).

Henkjan de Blaauw, founding father of ECOlonie, will provide an introduction at the beginning of the week on the views of philosopher Bruno Latour who has defined the concept of 'Earthling' in detail. And in doing so, discuss the importance of this vision for the theme of this Gathering. Following this, you can attend an information session on Tuesday afternoon where the origins, vision and future of ECOlonie will be explained.

Details and booking

From 9 to 14 juli 2023

275,00 € including breakfast at Forge Neuve

Booking of this activity has closed

For the fourth time, we invite you to attend the Gathering. Three years ago, there was a call to the organisation of Ecolonie, for the first Great Gathering. The nature beings invite us for an exchange in an environment that is safe and clean for them at Forge Neuve. Each year, through this, we experience forces at play on more than just the human plane.


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